1st be free | Website
1st Be Free website design
UX/UI Designer
February 2019 - February 2019
Squarespace, Photoshop
Website design for a life coach, focused on the program she sells and how people can benefit from it.
1st Be Free
Full website design on SquareSpace platform using only original content, complete with photo editing.
The focus of this website was to show off the new program she is creating.
The design criteria where:
- Minimal/clean look
- Use of color
To adhere to these criteria a white background was used to create space and keep a cleaner look. Then the images were chosen to add more color and keep the website interesting.
To show off the new program the user first scrolls past a short explanation of the 4 cornerstones of the program. Later down the page follow the actual program, where colors are used again to summarize in short about the program again and a call to action to learn more about the program